Why Email Whitelist is Bad Antispam Practice
Email whitelist is a bad antispam practice. It compromises email cyber security and enables hackers to exploit your email whitelist. Additionally, it cultivates false sense of email protection. Find out more about this security risk especially if you are an Email Hosting user. What is …
Virtual Queue vs Cloud Upgrade
Virtual Queue vs Cloud Upgrade is a key decision that affect any eCommerce sales. In reference to our Case Study here, it is interesting to ponder why Virtual Queue is better than Cloud Upgrade. Let’s find out through this blog post! What is a Virtual …
Virtual Queue for Online Ticketing
Virtual Queue for an Online Ticketing (Bus Operator T) was implemented by SecureAX, for Singapore-Malaysia Vaccinated Travel Lane (VTL) land travel that commenced on 29 November 2021. The Virtual Queue system ensures Operator T is able to cope with the surge in website traffic. This …
Email sent into Junk folder? URL Shortener may be the culprit!
It is annoying to find your email sent, end up inside junk folder especially if you never realise the use of URL shortener! What is a URL Shortener? URL shorteners allow you to reduce the length of any long URL. The benefit is of course …
How to move Email Hosting? Easily Migrate!
Find out how you can migrate or move your email hosting to a new provider! Are you searching for a new business email hosting service, considering either Microsoft 365 or Google Workspace? Read on to learn how you can transfer all your existing email to …