Why SSL Certificate for Email Hosting Server?
Have you ever wondered why do you need SSL Certificate for Email Hosting Server? This is a question that has been asked for numerous times both by our prospective customers or even existing customers, who are considering the use of SSL Certificate to protect themselves …
SSL Certificates: Symantec, DigiCert & Chrome
SSL Certificates used on websites are supposed to bring credibility and reliability to websites that use them. However, it appears that Google has detailed its plan to drop out support of Symantec-issued certificates in Chrome, on the irony basis that the way Symantec issued these SSL …
SAN Wildcard SSL Certificates
SecureAX offers a comprehensive list of SSL Certificates from GeoTrust to RapidSSL, including Subject Alternative Name SAN Wildcard SSL Certificates. These SAN Wildcard SSL Certificates allow more than one fully qualified domain name (FQDN) to be protected under a single certificate. Which one, between SAN …