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Why should you consider Fully Managed cPanel Cloud Server?

fully managed cpanel cloud server
Managed Services

Why should you consider Fully Managed cPanel Cloud Server?

fully managed cpanel cloud server

Let’s go in-depth to find out the benefits and reasons why you should consider Fully Managed cPanel Cloud server! No matter how many websites you have, we believe you have only one set of objectives for your websites :- better reliability (or uptime), better security and better performance (or speed). And these are the objectives to be achieved through a Fully Managed cPanel Cloud Server!

1. You want to make your cloud server safer

Every now and then, an exploit or vulnerability in the wild becomes out of control. How up-to-date are you with the latest security news? An important aspect of a fully managed cPanel cloud server covers the security of Operating System (typically CentOS), cPanel/WHM control panel on the server as well as the full spectrum of the backend services and processes within the cloud server. In short, your server shall be proactively patched for operating system and control panel bugs and exploits, without even you realising it and almost definitely before the threat hits the run in the wild.

2. You want to make your cloud server faster

So you’ve probably heard some complaints about your website is running slow, then you pull out the Google Page Speed Tool and became convinced that your website is indeed loading slower than it is supposed to. You follow some instructions on the Page Speed Tool to optimise the images, CSS and Javascript but yet you are still not satisfied with the overall speed improvement. What is next? You upgrade the CPU and RAM for your cloud server with fingers-crossed and no, your website is still crawling!

A fully managed cPanel server will allow your service provider to diagnose all the processes within the server, most crucially the MySQL database which your server runs on. Then the database and server shall be optimised, sometimes even your website optimised to introduce cache tools — in short the cloud server and your website are both overhauled for speed. In fact, a good Managed Hosting provider should always help you to optimise your server and website for speed first before you are told to upgrade your server with them!

3. You want to achieve 100% uptime if possible

While network uptime is totally out of your control, the chances of network outage within a datacenter facility are really slim. So most of the time to achieve 100% uptime it depends on your cloud server — how well you maintain it and how secure it is. There are a few areas which a Fully Managed cPanel Cloud Server covers:

  • Monitor & optimise system resources: Crashing the cloud server by pushing its resource utilisation beyond its limits is the number one factor of breaking your server uptime. If this is being monitored and optimised accordingly, you will get better uptime.
  • Monitor for server breach: Depending on your budget for security appliances to be used, some free tools can be used to monitor your server for breach. Again, a compromised server either causes your website to go down completely (you wake up in the morning and it happens to be the hacker’s image on your main site) or causing the server to crash due to all its system resources being used for unlawful activities, a rule of thumb to achieve better uptime is to ensure that only you are using your cloud server for your purpose, through a secured cloud server environment.
  • Backup & restoration: In the unlikely event that your server has been indeed taken over by a hacker or for most of the time you made a mistake by removing the wrong file from your website, how fast we can restore your website operation and uptime depends on what we have to bring it back. For this purpose, good backup of your website is rudimentary. Anything goes wrong — just restore your website to let it run with the least outage!

4. You have special request for your website

Depending on your company policy, there are cases whereby you have unique request which a Fully Managed cPanel Cloud Server is able to cater to, such as:

  1. Administrative Access Restriction – Done typically by securing administrative access to cPanel/WHM control panel or administrative login to your content management systems like WordPress, Joomla, Drupal to name a few.
  2. Maker-checker Procedure – Be it inter-department or external contractors such as developers or marketing agencies, you do not want unauthorised changes to be made; and you want audit trail to know who made the changes.
  3. Web Application Firewall (WAF) – WAF is not the same as a firewall. It secures your applications, typically preferred to be used for websites that run on content management systems.
  4. Almost anything else, but do bring this up to your service provider’s attention before you commit to the service.

We hope that through this post you are able to appreciate why Fully Managed cPanel Cloud Server is useful to you.

SecureAX provides Fully Managed cPanel Cloud Server service. Check out our basic managed cPanel cloud server packages here, and please do not hesitate to contact us if you wish to discuss how you would like the management scope to be upgraded to tailor to your needs!